How Can We Register for Forward Focus?
Register online at this link or contact Cathy Joens at or (864) 940-1893. Submit your registration by Wednesday, January 18.
Who is Invited to Forward Focus?
All pastors in the Anderson District are encouraged to bring five leaders or potential leaders to the Bishop’s Forward Focus. The cost is $5 per person which covers refreshments and program expenses.
What is the Purpose of Forward Focus?
Bishop Holston will lay out the vision for the Anderson District and South Carolina Conference. We will share in a time of encouragement and challenge to strengthen our common ministry.
When and Where is Forward Focus?
Forward Focus will meet in the Christian Life Center at Clemson UMC on Saturday, January 21 from 9AM-12PM. Clemson UMC is located at 300 Frontage Road, Clemson, SC 29631.
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