Crossing Borders to El Salvador

What is Crossing Borders?

Crossing Borders is a journey to El Salvador where participants learn from the Salvadoran people about their lives, histories and hopes for the future. A major focus of the encounter is to reflect on the meaning of working for justice rather than working for charity, understanding one’s role as a global citizen and humanizing the different issues that are present in our societies.

Why Crossing Borders?

Crossing Borders will give participants the opportunity to learn directly from the Salvadoran people about issues such as the impact of war, neo-liberal economics, U.S. foreign policy, migration, mining, the environment and a tradition of liberating faith. By spending time with persons in their homes and through a pilgrimage to holy places commemorating persons who offered their lives in Christian witness, our own faith will be strengthened and our solidarity with the Salvadoran people will change us.

Can I Participate in Crossing Borders?

Crossing Borders is designed for anyone wanting to have a better understanding of the people of Central America and the rich faith tradition of the Salvadoran people. Persons who want to understand more completely issues around migration in the United States will benefit from this journey. We ask that you be at least 18 years of age by the date of departure.

How Do I Sign Up and Learn More?

To register, please download and fill out the Crossing Borders Registration Form along with a deposit of $250 made payable to “Anderson District” and mail to Anderson District of the UMC, P.O. Box 1057, Anderson, SC 29622. Contact Rev. Keith Ray at with any questions.

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